Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Top Reasons to Choose a Pharmaceutical Career

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is a Pharmacy Director with decades of experience and a successful career.

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Top Reasons to Choose a Pharmaceutical Career

Pharmaceutical careers might not rank number one for “Most Desirable Career Paths” on recent surveys, but they appeal to success-oriented professionals like Howard Dickter. The most common reasons for choosing a pharmaceutical career are touched on below:

  • Pharma is Growing.

People have always needed medicines and they will continue to need them. As the population continues to grow, the pharmacy industry follows. A field with an ever-increasing demand protects those who specialize in it.

  • Because pharma is an unsung field.

Most professionals can find high-paying positions quickly in locations around the world.

  • Pharma Pays Well.

Pharmaceutical and medical jobs have a reputation for high pay. This is because pharma companies don’t just want to hire skilled professionals, they want to keep them.

Specializing in a field and creating a positive professional presence will allow you regular access to well-paying positions.

  • Financial Downturn Immunity.

Pharmacy is one of the only industries that does not suffer during financial downturn. The need for medical care does not go away and there’s always the need for new treatments.

Pharmaceutical professionals are among the limited few who can rest easy, even when the economy is crashing.
Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Top Reasons to Choose a Pharmaceutical Career

If you’re serious about entering a career in pharmacy, consider speaking with a pro like Howard Dickter for an insider’s view on the possibilities of such a path.

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Company Director Success Tips

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is a pharmacy professional whose career has centered on Hospital Director positions. After decades of experience, he has a solid reputation for success and is a sought-after director in pharmacy.

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Company Director Success Tips

Regardless of your field, if you’re a Hospital Pharmacy Director like Howard Dickter, you should never stop improving your craft. “Out of all the managers I needed to work with to obtain documents, [Dr. Dickter] was the most efficient and most responsive of all,” said a former colleague.

Tips like those below will help you find – and keep – success:

  • Creditor and Supplier Focus.

A director who protects a company’s credit rating comes highly recommended. Help the company stay in positive standing with creditors and suppliers at all time, taking proactive measures to prevent future problems.

  • Meetings and Operational Goals.

By holding frequent meetings, a director can actively supervise all employees and motivate them to be more productive. By setting operational goals, and rewards for meeting them, you increase workplace morale and help the department accomplish its goals.

If meetings are unpopular, your first step might be to revamp meeting approaches to make them engaging and beneficial.

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills.

Directors should refine their communication and negotiation skills regularly. This will allow you to better work with clients, employees and potential businesses.

Consider speaking with a professional similar to Howard Dickter and asking for his or her advice on improving as a Pharmacy Director. Often, such professionals can give you valuable book, class and self-education recommendations that will change your career forever.

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Becoming a Better Company Director

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is a pharmacy professional with decades of experience. He has primarily worked in Hospital Director roles and, in doing so, he has built an overwhelmingly positive reputation.

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Becoming a Better Company Director

Howard Dickter spent six years as Director of Pharmacy at Cottage Hospital in New Hampshire. “I observed his consistent demonstration of enthusiasm and professionalism,” said Maria Ryan, PhD., APRN and the hospital’s CEO. “His work performance was strong and he accomplished goals efficiently.”

If you’re a new Director hoping to succeed as Howard Dickter has, tips like those below will help you improve your skills and, thus, your prospects:

Budgeting and Accounting.

Hospital directors need to master cashflow management. This can prevent several common long-term problems with a bit of planning and enforcement.

Your first step should be to refine your budgeting and accounting skills so that you can determine ideal spending limits, locate investing options and improve cashflow.

When you reduce spending so that the business has the funds to cover bills and capitalize on investing, you create a positive impact that will grow over the coming years.

Morale and Relationships.

Keeping morale high and focusing on client relationships will allow  you to improve almost any business.

You can, for example, find ways to reward employee performance or give a company’s top clients access to bulk discounts to show appreciation. Encouraging clients to then leave feedback through phone calls or follow-up emails can improve the impact.

Outreach Methods.

Successful businesses should use the best available outreach methods to generate leads. As a Director, it is your job to help the company tap the market by refining outreach methods and remaking advertising strategies.

Consider seeking a mentor in your area – locate someone with experience like Howard Dickter that you respect and trust. It could be the beginning of a mutually beneficial professional relationship.

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