Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Boost Your Public Speaking Skills

Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is a seasoned public speaker and a respected Pharmacy Director with decades of professional experience.

Delivering engaging and inspiring lectures, as professionals like Howard Dickter can, isn’t easy. Take time to study the art form and boost your skills if you would like to succeed. The below tips are just the beginning:

Practice Your Points. 

Practice your presentation’s primary points instead of trying to memorize every word. Knowing your points well allows you to deliver a natural-sounding presentation that engages the audience and makes you appear knowledgeable. 

When you’re ready, you should feel confident with just a few notes about each point as your on-stage reading material. 

Engage the Audience. 

PowerPoint slides are notoriously boring for an audience. Almost every speaker knows not to read directly from a slide, but the majority still use too many of them. To engage your audience, use minimal slides, telling them what they need to know. 

Slides are best kept to useful or striking graphs, pictures and points. Think conversation starters, not textbook pages.  

Personalize the Speech. 

People might not want to hear your life story at the beginning of a presentation, but they still want to know who is teaching them. Personalize your speech, adding a few notes about yourself or a couple jokes to spice up your stage time. 

Talented public speakers like Dr. Howard Dickter refine their skills by reading top books on the subject – research the best-reviewed titles and select one that interests you to take the next step toward mastering public speaking.

Also read: Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Ready Yourself for Public Speaking
Howard Dickter, Pharm.D., Ph.D.: Eliminate Public Speaking Fear